In the animal world,  every animal is different by appearance. But, there are certain animals who are different species but look the same by certain angles.

This post which will be having two parts will help in clearing the confusion between those animals which deceive us with their strikingly similar looks.


The two spotted big cats which are the leopard and the jaguar deceive people by their appearances. But, their differences can be sorted out by jaguar being more bulkier than the leopard. Also, jaguars boast a central spot in their rosettes which are absent in leopard’s rosettes. 

One of the eminent predatory reptiles i.e. crocodilians too deceive people by their appearances.  The most notable example is in case of a crocodile and an alligator. People think they are the same. Their main contrasts can be found in the shape of their jaws. Crocodile’s jaws create a narrow V- shape whereas gator’s (alligator’s) jaws form a wide U-shape. Interestingly, the teeth display during closed mouths is another difference with crocodile’s teeth being displayed while alligator’s teeth are being tucked inside.


And, the most final difference is between the two apes with same genera i.e. the chimpanzee and the bonobo. One quick way of contrasting them is by their lip colors. Bonobos boast pink lips while chimps boast dark lips. The other notable difference is the opposite genders of their family leaders. Bonobo’s family is matriarchal while chimp’s family is exactly the opposite. Yet amazingly, bonobos are an endemic species i.e. found only in the rain forests of Democratic Republic of Congo.