Well, here I am not talking about computer’s mouse click. I am talking about the sound made by an SLR camera. Now you all might be wondering that what must be its connection with wildlife. Yes, I am exactly talking about the camera used by a wildlife photographer.

Just a few days back, I was reading about that profession and yeah, as you all might be knowing that it is also one of the most popular professions in the field of wildlife. And apart from that it can be a risky profession if proper precautions aren’t taken.So, I am going to tell some necessary precautions required for this profession. Here we go-

Apart from being a trained photographer, he/she mustn’t be wearing  clothes with flashy colours. The clothes must match the colour of the green mother earth to get well camouflaged. Also, never put scent on your clothes which is sufficient enough for attracting many beasts.

Apart from being in a right place, right time and at right position, getting a guide from an expert photographer is a yes, yes. As photographing some herbivores animals, like, deer, horses, giraffes etc. is easy. Yes, even small non- venomous amphibians and reptiles can be easily photographed but by using safety measures. Even birds too. But the real challenge comes when you are photographing bulky herbivores like hippopotami  and elephants closely as they can become highly aggressive and can even injure or endanger your life. Yeah, this is also true when he/she is photographing other creatures like-

  • Wild cats and dogs.
  • Bears.(Especially brown bears, polar bears and even sun bears which can become grouchy and aggressive). 
  • Hyenas.
  • Great apes like gorillas and orangutans.
  • Many reptiles( All crocodilians , lizards like Komodo dragon, and even various snakes) etc.