Many animals use nature's tools quite effectively.
— Abhirup Kondekar (@abhirupkondekar) November 7, 2020
Sea otters put rocks on their stomachs to crack open crustaceans and shells. Another quirky way to bring out food.#environment #nature #wildlife
"Mike" Michael L. Baird, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
It is predatory/carnivorous animals who need more sleep than herbivorous animals. This is because hunting down prey species takes a lot of energy and is exhausting.#environment #wildlife #nature
— Abhirup Kondekar (@abhirupkondekar) October 28, 2020
MacNulty DR, Tallian A, Stahler DR, Smith DW, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Some animals like snow leopards and arctic foxes use their thick, furry tails as their blankets. This helps them to keep them warm.#environment #nature #biodiversity #wildlife
— Abhirup Kondekar (@abhirupkondekar) October 29, 2020
Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr, CC BY-SA 2.0 FR
Herbivores ungulates like giraffes, horses and cattle can sleep standing up. But, they can only dream lying down.#environment #nature #biodiversity
— Abhirup Kondekar (@abhirupkondekar) October 29, 2020
Vassil, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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